
The information provided on this website, including all coaching services, support groups, audio or other formats & resources offered or displayed are for informational purposes only. There are not a substitute for mental health therapy, diagnosis, or any form of treatment, prescription, or cure. Sophie Gourdon is not a doctor and does not have any licenses as a medical care provider, psychologist, mental health counselor, clinical social worker, psychiatrist, therapist, or otherwise. Therefore, she does not diagnose, prescribe, advise on medication, cure, nor offer treatment of any kind.

No aspect of Little Wave Coaching, LLC, or Sophie Gourdon’s Coaching, Services, Website, including any internal and external Links and Resources are meant to be a substitute for professional advice from your professional care provider in any way.

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Owning our stories and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we'll ever do. 

--Brene Brown

—Brene Brown