
Our Nervous System

This video was developed to give a basic introduction and overview of how trauma and chronic stress affects our nervous system and how those effects impact our health and well-being. Much of the content is based on the groundbreaking work of Stephen Porges and his Polyvagal Theory and inspired and informed by the work of thought leaders Deb Dana, Vincent Felitti, Robert Anda, Gabor Mate, Dan Siegel and Peter Levine.

For CC and Translated versions please visit:

• Trauma and the nervous system: a poly...

To learn more about trauma recovery and nervous system health resources, please visit: The Trauma Foundation (www.thetraumafoundation.org) and the Polyvagal Institute (www.polyvagalinstitute.org).

Special thanks to www.nicknavatta.com for their animation work.

#PolyvagalTheory #Trauma #NervousSystem


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